Connect XCP-ng to Vinchin

Add XCP-ng Virtual Platform

To add XCP-ng virtual platform to Vinchin, follow the below steps.

  1. Go to Resources > Virtual Infrastructure > Virtual Platform page.
  2. Click on Add button.
  3. In the Platform dropdown list, select XCP-ng Hypervisor.
  4. In the IP/Domain field, specify the IP address or domain name of the XCP-ng pool master.
  5. In the Username and Password fields, specify credentials of the pool master host.
  6. In the Name field, specify a custom name for this newly added virtual infrastructure.
  7. Click on OK to add the XCP-ng virtual platform.


Please make sure Vinchin backup server can access the XCP-ng virtual platform on port 80, 443 and 29202, otherwise you will not be able to add virtual platform or perform VM backup.

Get XCP-ng Virtual platform Licensed for Backup

Once you had successfully added the XCP-ng virtual platform to Vinchin backup server, in the Virtual Platform List, the XCP-ng virtual platform will be listed.

If your license type is "Per CPU Sockets", the XCP-ng virtaul platform will be Unlicensed state, at this moment you are unable to create any backup job for the XCP-ng VMs. To get the XCP-ng virtual platform licensed for backup, please do as follows.

  1. Click on the License button.
  2. In the Host Licensing dialog, select all hosts of the XCP-ng virtual platform.
  3. Click on License button to get the XCP-ng hosts autorized for VM backup. Once the XCP-ng virtual platform gets licensed, you are now able to create backup jobs for the XCP-ng VMs.

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