
Administrators are able to add multiple users from System > User Management > Users page. By clicking on the Add button administrator can add a new user.

The User Type can be Local User or External User. For local user, administrator needs to create a new user locally within Vinchin backup server. If external user, domain server integration must be done first.

The newly added users can be assigned with different user roles and can be associated with desired user groups for permission management. And for storage capacity allowed to be used by this user can be set as Unlimited or Customized. Once a user had been added, it will be listed on the user management page.

You have the options to enable or disable a user from accessing Vinchin Backup & Recovery. To delete a user, if the user has created subusers, it cannot be deleted, the subusers need to be deleted first.

And before this user can start any backup and restore services, administrator has to assign resources to the user at first place. The resources can be assigned to users including backup proxy, backup node and backup storage.

For the workloads which need to be backed up, users need to add from their own web portal, including virtual infrastructure (for VM backup), file backup agent and database backup agent.

If a user attempted to login with wrong password exceeded the Password Retry defined in Account Security settings, the account will be disabled. Only the administrator user who created that user has the permission to enable the account. Please select the disabled user and click on the Enable button to enable the user.


Before deleting a user, you need to unregister all the virtual infrastructures registered by this user, otherwise the user cannot be deleted.

If the user role is admin and this admin user had added other users, then you need to delete the other users added by this admin user before deleting this admin user.

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