Backup Data Reduction

Vinchin Backup & Recovery provides multiple methods, such as Data deduplication, Data compression and BitDetector (a unique feature in Vinchin Backup & Recovery), to reduce the size of stored backups.

Data Deduplication

Data deduplication is a method for reducing backup size. With data deduplication enabled, Vinchin Backup & Recovery reduce the amount of backup data stored by eliminating duplicated and zeroed data blocks and storing only the unique data blocks. It's a built-in functionality and do not require storage server support.

Data Compression

Data compression a method for reducing backup size. With data compression enabled, compress backup data in specific block size to save backup storage space. It's a built-in functionality and do not require storage server support.


BitDetector is a Vinchin unique feature for VM backup, it is a feature set which consists of exclude the following items from backing up.

  • Swap file blocks

  • Deleted file blocks

  • Unpartitioned spaces and partition gaps

BitDetector currently works on NTFS filesystem, with BitDetector, all the above-mentioned data of the Windows VMs will be excluded from backing up. Except data deduplication and compression, it is another important feature which helps reducing the backup data size.

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