V2V Migration with Instant VM Restore

If your Vinchin Backup & Recovery has V2V Migration feature licensed, and has one or more different virtual platforms (different than the source virtualization where the backups had been taken) connected, when creating an instant VM restore job, you can directly select a different virtualization platform as the restore destination.

To create an instant VM restore job for V2V migration, please go to VM Backup > Restore > Instant Restore page, in the restore point list, please select a restore point of the VM which you wish to migrate. If you haven't done any backup of the source VMs, please create backup jobs to backup the source VMs at first place.

In the Target Host list, please select a host from the target virtualization on which you wish the VM to be migrated to. For more information of the rest job settings please refer VM Backup & Restore corresponding to the target virtualization instant VM restore instructions.


1. MS Hyper-V, OpenStack and AWS EC2 instances does not support instant restore feature, so these 3 platforms cannot be the target of instant restore for V2V migration.

2. Instant restore to another virtualization without live migration will not consume a V2V migration license count, when a live migration is done, the V2V migration license will be consumed.

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