Copy Retrieve for Disaster Recovery

The onsite copy data can be used to restore data directly without copy retrieval. But for the backup copy data stored on the off-site backup copy storage cannot be used to restore data directly to the primary site, it should be retrieved to an on-site storage first, then you can restore it at on-site storage. Also, copy data stored the cloud object storage can be retrieved into the local storage in advance for data restore smoothly and copy data migration.

To create a VM, Database, File, Server, NAS or Public copy retrieve job, please go to Data Resilience > Copy > Copy Retrieve page, then follow the steps below to create a copy retrieve job.

Step 1: Retrieve Source

To retrieve copy data from off-site or cloud object storage, please select the retrieve data type and then choose the retrieved source as Offsite Copy job or Show Restore Points as per your requirements, filter the target copy storage. Click Next to continue.

Step 2: Retrieve Destination

Select an on-site storage where you want to save the retrieved backup copy data.

Either local backup or local (onsite) copy storage can be used to store the retrieved copy data.

Step 3: Retrieve Strategy

General Strategy

Under the General Strategy tab, you can set up the backup Throttling Policy and some other advanced options.

Throttling Policy settings are optional, only if the jobs will bring network or I/O overload to your production environment, you can configure the throttling policy accordingly otherwise leave it unconfigured.

Advanced Strategy contains advanced options for the copy job.

By specifying the number of Transfer Threads, you can enable multithreaded transmission to improve the processing speed of the backup job. The default value for multithreaded transmission is 3, even if you can set the value from 1 to 8, but usually 3 threads will be enough.

Transmission Strategy

For the copy job, the copy data can be transferred through Encrypted Transfer via RSA algorithm.

By enabling Compressed Transfer, the copy data will be compressed to reduce bandwidth usage and increase transmission speed. The Compression Level can be set as Quick Compression, Standard Compression, Maximum Compression and Ultimate Compression. With different compression level, the copy jobs will have different compression efficiency, the higher the level, the more system resources will be needed.

The Retry Attempts and Retry Interval can allow jobs to be retried the times you set at the same interval.

When the second step Target Storage is an Offsite Storage, select the corresponding offsite node's Transfer Network to use.

Step 4: Review & Confirm

After completing the above settings, you are able to review and confirm the settings. You can optionally customize a job name and then click on Submit button to confirm the creation of this copy retrieve job. After a new copy retrieve job has been created, you will be redirected to the Monitor Center > Jobs page, and you will immediately see the copy retrieve job run automatically. Once the copy retrieve job is completed, the job will be automatically deleted from the current job list.


If you have virtual platform on the remote DR site, you can restore the backed up VMs on remote site virtual platform using the backup copy data transferred from the primary site to the remote site backup copy storage on the off-site Vinchin Backup Server.

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