Basic Settings

After the installation of Vinchin backup server, please follow the below instructions to complete some basic settings of a fresh new installation of Vinchin backup server.

Among the 3 architecture components (Vinchin backup server, Vinchin backup node and Vinchin backup proxy), only Vinchin backup server has management web console. Both Vinchin backup node and backup proxy have no web console, they will be managed by Vinchin backup server.

About how to install Vinchin backup node and connect the node to Vinchin backup server, please refer to Install Vinchin Node.

And about how to install Vinchin backup proxy and connect the proxy to Vinchin backup server, please refer to Install Vinchin Proxy.

Web Console Login

Use your web browser (Google Chrome is recommended) to open Vinchin backup server web console by using the IP address that you have configured during the installation process.

Use the default credentials to log in.

Default username: admin

Default password: !V3b7#Lr

Change Web Admin Password

At your first login, you'll be asked to change the default admin password, we recommend you to modify the admin password at first priority for backup server safety.

If you decide to do it later, you can click on admin > Change Password to change the default password.

The suggested new password should be at least 6 characters, and should consist of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.

Upload License

Before you starting to test Vinchin Backup & Recovery, please upload the trial license we sent you by email after you have registered to download Vinchin backup server installation ISO image.

To upload a license key, please go to System > System License page. Click on Upload License to browse the trial license key, and then upload it to activate Vinchin backup server for a 60-day evaluation.

If you wish to buy perpetual license for Vinchin Backup & Recovery, please contact our sales team at

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