Install oVirt Backup Plugin

Download Backup Plugin

The oVirt VM backup plugin can be downloaded from the login screen of Vinchin backup server's web console.

  1. By clicking on Download Backup Plugin, you'll see the download options.

  2. In Type dropdown list, select VM Backup Plugin option.

  3. In Platform dropdown list, select Red Hat Virtualization (RHV)/oVirt.

  4. In the Version dropdown list, select the exact version of your oVirt virtual platform.

  5. Click on Download button to download the installer.


If you are running oVirt 4.4.7 or newer versions, backup plugin is not required to be installed.

Install Backup Plugin

The VM backup plugin for oVirt should be installed on all the oVirt hosts, please upload the backup plugin installer to all the hosts for installation.

After the installer is uploaded, please install it from the oVirt hosts' command line interface (CLI) by using the below command.

yum install vinchin-stack-patch-cloud-xxx.x86_64.rpm

Where the 'xxx' should be the version number same as the actually downloaded installer. Please make sure you upload and install the backup plugin installer on all the oVirt hosts.


  1. The backup plugin for oVirt must be installed with yum command instead of rpm command.
  2. Please DO NOT install the backup plugin on the oVirt engine!

Uninstall oVirt Backup Plugin

In order to reinstall the backup plugin or to install a newer version of backup plugin, you need to first uninstall the existing backup plugin.

To uninstall Vinchin backup plugin for oVirt, please run the below command.

rpm -e vinchin-stack-patch-cloud


If the oVirt backup plugin gets uninstalled without reinstallation or installing a newer version of backup plugin, your VM backup jobs will fail!

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