Data Visualization

Data visualization is an advanced feature which is available in Vinchin Backup & Recovery Enterprise edition, it briefly presents the real-time status and statistics of each data protection module. It can help users monitoring the backup infrastructure status on a command center screen or large screen monitors.

To open the data visualization screen, please click on the Data Visualization icon from the top right of Vinchin Backup Server web console. A new tab page of data visualization will be opened.

Users can customize the data visualization settings from the System > System Settings > Data Visualization page.

In the Data Visualization Title field, users can define a customized name.

As for Local Backup Server Name, Remote Backup Server Name and Cloud Storage Name, users can also customize these items as per the actual deployment and demands.

For Job Alerts and System Alerts, if enabled, alerts of the jobs and system will be displayed on the data visualization screen.

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