Storage Repository

In Vinchin Backup & Recovery, storages are used for 3 objectives:

  • Backup: Adding a backup storage is essential before you can create any backup jobs.

  • Backup Copy: Backup copy storage is required when you want to copy your backups to a secondary storage or a remote location.

  • Backup Archive: Backup archive storage, usually a more cost-effective storage media which is needed when you want to archive your VM backup data for long-term retention purpose.

Once a storage's objective has been settled, it cannot be used for other purpose, e.g., a backup storage can only be used for backup, it cannot be used for backup copy or backup archive.

The supported storage types/protocols and storage objectives are as showing below.

Storage Types/Objectives Backup Copy Archive
Disk Partition Yes Yes Yes
Local Disk Yes Yes Yes
Local Directory Yes Yes Yes
Logical Volume Yes Yes Yes
Fibre Channel (FC) Yes Yes Yes
iSCSI Yes Yes Yes
NFS Share Yes Yes Yes
CIFS Share Yes Yes Yes
Offsite Storage No Yes No
Cloud Object Storage Yes Yes Yes

The storages are added and managed from Resources > Storage page of Vinchin Backup & Recovery web console.

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