NAS Restore

Create NAS Restore Job

To restore files from NAS backup restore points, please go to NAS Backup > Restore page. There are 4 steps to restore files from the NAS backup restore points.

Step 1: Restore Point

First you need to select a target NAS share and a desired restore point from the Select Restore Point column. Then select the desired files/folders from the NAS Restore Source column.

When done selecting files/folders, click on Next button to continue.

Step 2: Restore Destination

By default, the files/folders will be restored to the NAS share.

And when you selected the target NAS share, please select restore path, the default is manually select path, you can select the desired host or the desired path then continue.

If you want to restore to the original path, select recover to the original path and click on Next to continue.

If you want to restore to a file server, in Restore to dropdown list, select a file server, and then select the agent you desire, select the path you want to restore the files/folders then continue


The files/folders can be only restored to the NAS shares/file servers that have been registered to Vinchin Backup Server.

Step 3: Restore Strategy

In the General Strategy it including Speed Controller and Advanced Strategy. Similar to NAS backup, the speed controller is optional, it is used to limit the transmission speed of NAS restore. And in Advanced Strategy, you can set 1 to 32 transfer threads for a single NAS restore job.

Click on Next button to continue

Step 4: Review & Confirm

After finishing the above settings, you are able to review and confirm all settings here. Click Submit to confirm creating this job.

Once the job has been created, you’ll be redirected to the Monitor Center > Jobs page.

As the NAS restore job is by default to be executed right after the creation of the job, so it will run automatically, when you see it in the current job list, it should be in running status already, and once completed, the job will be automatically deleted from the current job list.

After this you can browse the restored files/folders from the selected NAS share/file server in the selected path.

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