
By default, there are 3 user roles available to be assigned to users or user groups.

Below are the permissions enabled for different roles.

Admin: System Alerts, System Logs, Storage Report, VM Report, Backup Node, Storage, LAN-free, Resource Group, all the System dropdown list and all User Management.

Operator: Current Jobs, History Jobs, Job Alerts, Job Logs, VM report, VM Backup, Database Backup, File Backup, Backup Copy, Backup Archive and Strategy Templates.

Auditor: Current Jobs, History Jobs, Job Alerts, System Alerts, Job Logs, System Logs, Storage Report and VM Report.

You can assign role to users or user groups by selecting a role and clicking on Assign Role button, select user or user group you wish to assign.

Once a role had been assigned to a user or user group, the corresponding permissions of the role will be assigned to the user or user group as well.

If the default user roles cannot meet your actual requirements, you can also add customized new user roles by clicking on the Add button.

In the Add Role screen, a role name is required to identify this new user role. And in the Permissions field, there’s a tree menu showing all available web pages and operations of Vinchin web console, you can customize the permissions as per your needs.

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