Connect Proxmox VE to Vinchin

Add Proxmox VE Virtual Platform

To add Proxmox VE virtual platform to Vinchin, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to Resources > Virtual Infrastructure > Virtual Platform page.
  2. Click on Add button.
  3. In the Platform dropdown list, select Proxmox VE.
  4. In the IP/Domain field, specify the IP address and port number of the Proxmox VE server in format "server_ip:8006" without quotes.
  5. In the Username field, specify credentials of the administrator.
  6. In the Password field, please type in the password for administrator user.
  7. Click on OK to add the Proxmox VE virtual platform


Please make sure Vinchin backup server can access the Proxmox VE virtual platform on port 443, 29203 and 29204, otherwise you will not be able to add virtual platform or perform VM backup

Get Proxmox VE Platform Licensed for Backup

Once you had successfully added the Proxmox VE virtual platform to Vinchin backup server, in the Virtual Platform List,the Proxmox VE virtual platform will be listed. If your license type is "Per CPU Sockets", the Proxmox VE virtual platform will be Unlicensed state, at this moment you are unable to create any backup job for the Proxmox VE VMs. To get the Proxmox VE virtual platform licensed for backup, please do as follows.

  1. Click on the License button.
  2. In the Host Licensing dialog, select all hosts of the Proxmox VE virtual platform.
  3. Click on License button to get the Proxmox VE hosts licensed for VM backup. Once the Proxmox VE virtual platform gets licensed, you are now able to create backup jobs for the Proxmox VE VMs.

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