Local DNS Lookup

If the computing hosts and management server of the virtualization platform are accessed via domain names, then the corresponding domain names need to be configured in the Vinchin backup server, so that Vinchin backup server will be able to communicate with the virtualization platform. Otherwise, the connection of virtualization platform to Vinchin backup server or the VM backup jobs will fail.

To configure local DNS lookup, go to System > System Settings > Network Settings page.

Under the Local DNS Lookup tab, in the DNS Entries field, fill in the IP address of the computing host and its coresponding domain name separated with a space. If there are multiple hosts, please fill in the DNS records in different lines. After this please click OK to save.

If you have deployed backup node(s) to Vinchin Backup Server, please enable DNS Sync option, so you don’t have to configure DNS settings for each node separately.

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