Alibaba Object Storage Service (OSS)

To add Alibaba OSS as a storage repository of Vinchin Backup & Recovery, please go to Resources > Storage page and click on Add button.

  1. In Storage Type dropdown list select Cloud Object Storage.

  2. In Vendor dropdown list select Alibaba Cloud.

  3. In the Region dropdown list select a location of the datacenter where you want your data to be saved.

  4. In the Service Endpoint field, enter the URL of the Alibaba cloud service endpoint URL with format "IP_address:port_number" (without quotes) or "domain:port_number" (without quotes), and if it’s SSL enabled, please enable SSL Certificate option, and input the URL without “https://”.

  5. In the Username field, enter the access key ID of your Alibaba cloud account.

  6. In the Password field, enter the secret access key of your Alibaba cloud account.

  7. In the Bucket field, enter the storage bucket name then click on Scan Bucket to obtain the existing folders within the bucket.

  8. In Folder dropdown list, select a folder to be used or click on manually enter a folder name then enter a new folder name to be created and used.

  9. Give the storage a name for identification in the Storage Name field.

  10. Select from Backup, Copy & Archive according for which purpose the storage will be used.

  11. The Auto Detect option allows you to auto import backups according to the auto import time interval. If you enable the Auto Assign option, the imported backups will be automatically assigned to the user who added this storage device.

  12. Set a limitation of maximum storage space allowed to be used in the Quota field.

  13. Click on OK to finish adding the Alibaba cloud object storage.

If the folder of the storage bucket was once been used as Vinchin storage and which contains backup data, you'll get a dialog asking either to import the backups or not.

If you choose to add storage without importing old backups, Vinchin will skip the backups and add the cloud storage, the old backups will still reside in the storage but unable to be managed or used for restoration from Vinchin web console.

If you choose to add storage and import the old backups, after adding storage and importing backups, you'll be able to manage the old backups or use the backups for restoration purpose from Vinchin web console. As for how to manage the imported backups, if you had enabled the Auto Assign option, the backups will be automatically assigned to your user account. If the Auto Assign option is disabled, you'll have to manually assign the impoted backups, please refer to Import Backups to get to know how to assign and manage the imported backups.

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