PostgreSQL Restore

Before PostgreSQL Database Restore

Vinchin Backup & Recovery supports two recovery mode for PostgreSQL database: Override Original Database restore and Restore to New Path.

Before starting to restore PostgreSQL database, there are some database configurations need DBA to check. The target recovery database server must have database backup agent installed, and the service ports: 23100 and 23101 needs to be opened for Vinchin backup server.

If override original database restore:

  1. The target PostgreSQL database instance needs to be shutdown

  2. The path of data directory and archive log directory must be the same as original database server

  3. The free storage space of the database server must be enough to save the full restore point data size.

If restore to new path:

  1. You must specify a custom port number to run the database instance and the port number should not be used by any other services on the database server.

  2. You need to specify new directories for data and the archive log, these 2 directories should be empty and should not be any directory which is being used by any other services on the database server.

  3. For the free storage space required, it must be 2 times more than the full restore point data size.

To create a PostgreSQL database restore job, please go to Physical Backup > Database Backup -> Restore page and follow the steps below.

Create Restore Job

Step 1: Restore Point

If you select a full restore point, you’ll be able to directly restore PostgreSQL database to the state of when the backup was taken. If you select an archive log restore point, you are able to roll back the database state to any time point between the first full backup timepoint and the selected archive log backup time point.

Step 2: Restore Destination

After selecting restore point, select Target Instance which you wish to restore.

The target database instance can be the original database server or a new database server.

Step 3: Restore Strategy

Override Original Database: applies to restore the data to the production database server. Override the data of the original database instance.

Restore to New Path: applies to restore data to a new directory. The directory needs to be created by the PostgreSQL database user and has PostgreSQL user permissions.

Rollback Time: if you had selected archive log backup restore point, you are able to rollback PostgreSQL database state within the given time range.

If you disable rollback time it will by default restore to the latest time point of when the backup has been taken.

Throttling Policy: Same as database backup, while restoring databases, you can also configure throttling policy to limit the database restore speed accordingly.

Step 4: Review & Confirm

After completing the above-mentioned settings, you are able to review and confirm the settings in one screen. Once the job has been created, you’ll be redirected to the Monitor Center > Jobs page.

As the database restore job is by default to be executed right after the creation of the job, so it will run automatically, when you see it in the current job list, it should be in running status already, and once completed, the job will be automatically deleted from the current job list.

During the database restore process, the full data size of the full backup will be transferred from Vinchin backup server to the database server, and the data will be written in to a temporary directory, after transmission is completed then it will perform restore/roll backup restore operations according to the job configurations.

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