Add Microsoft 365 Organization

If you are using on-prem Exchange server, you need to install Vinchin agent on your Windows machine on which your Exchange server is running. You could refer to Agent Deployment for how to install the agent.

Exchange Server Adding Preparations

Please use Administrator account to log in to Exchange server Administrative Center.

In Admin Center, please go to permissions > admin roles, click + button, and add the ApplicationImpersonation role for Administrator account.

Use Administrator account to open Powershell, execute command to open remote management:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Add Exchange Server

To add Exchange Server, please open Vinchin backup server web console, go to Resources > M365 Organizations page, click Add button.

In the Authentication Method dropdown list, Please select Local Version, the Type will be Exchange Server by default, then click Next button.

In the Authentication Parameters dropdown list, please config the following settings:

Exchange Server Config

In Computer Full Name, Please type in the full name of the computer used by Microsoft Exchange Server.

In Administrator Account, type the administrator account that with the ability to impersonate other user roles.

The Client Association should be the Vinchin agent installed in your Exchange server.

Preparation for adding Exchange Online

We highly recommend that you use the Automatically Register a new Azure AD application to add the Exchange Online, if you choose this, please navigate to Microsoft 365 admin center to add the ApplicationImpersonation for your Administrator account. When everything is ready, you can start adding Exchange Online. Please select one of the Automatically Register a new Azure AD application below to add the Exchange Online:

Automatically Register with Traditional Authentication Protocols

Automatically Register with Certificate Authentication

If you choose to use the Existing Azure AD to add the Exchange Online, please contact Vinchin support for help.

Add Exchange Online

Automatically Register New Azure AD with Traditional Authentication Protocols

Please open Vinchin backup server web console, go to Resources > M365 Organizations page, click Add button.

In the Authentication Method dropdown list, Please select International Version, the Type will be Exchange Online by default. Please select the Connection Method as Automatically Register a New Azure AD Application and Authentication Method as Access Microsoft 365 Based on Traditional Authentication Protocols, then click Next button.

In the Authentication Parameters dropdown list, please configure the Azure AD Application Name and Organization Alias.

After you click OK button, an authentication box will pop up, please copy the code, click Please copy the code above and click here to authenticate. Vinchin will open Microsoft 365 Authentication page, paste the code you copied and use the account with impersonation capabilities to add, after verification, Exchange Online will be added into Vinchin server.

Automatically Register New Azure AD with Certificate Authentication

Please open Vinchin backup server web console, go to Resources > M365 Organizations page, click Add button.

In the Authentication Method dropdown list, Please select International Version, the Type will be Exchange Online by default. Please select the Connection Method as Automatically Register a New Azure AD Application and Authentication Method as Access Microsoft 365 Based on Certificate Authentication, then click Next button.

In the Authentication Parameters dropdown list, please configure the Azure AD Application Name and Organization Alias. If you set Select Certificate Type as Automatically Generate a New Self-Signed Certificate, Vinchin server will generate a usable certificate for you, if you select Import pfx Certificate, you need to upload the exist pfs certificate file and input the pfs certificate password.

After you click OK button, an authentication box will pop up, please copy the code, click Please copy the code above and click here to authenticate. Vinchin will open Microsoft 365 Authentication page, paste the code you copied and use the account with impersonation capabilities to add, after verification, Exchange Online will be added into Vinchin server.

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