Archive Retrieve

Backup archive data stored on the cloud object storage cannot be used to restore workloads directly, it should be retrieved to an on-site storage first, after retrieve to on-site, you can use the retrieved data for restore purpose.

To create an archive retrieve job, please go to Data Resilience > Archive > Archive Retrieve page, then follow the steps below to create an archive retrieve job.

Step 1: Retrieve Source

Select a cloud storage which stores your archive data, and then select the restore point(s).

Once the archive retrieve source is selected, click on Next to continue.


As the archive data stored on the on-site archive storage can be used to restore virtual machines directly, so you don’t have to retrieve the on-site archive data.

Step 2: Retrieve Destination

Select an on-site storage where you want to save the retrieved archive data.

Step 3: Retrieve Strategy

In General Strategy, you can configure the throttling policy and advanced strategy.

For Throttling Policy, you can set as Customized Policy or Select Global Policy to limit the max transfer speed at specific time.

When choose Customized Policy, you can set the throttling schedule on daily, weekly, monthly, permanent or custom as per requirement.

When choose Select Global Policy, you need to set up global throttling policy first, for set up global throttling policy, please refer to Throttling Policy, then configure Job Level, usually when multiple jobs use the same throttling policy, the higher the job level the more resources are allocated to process the job.

For Advanced Strategy, you can set transfer threads for this archive retrieve job, threads range from 1 to 8.

In Transmission Strategy, you can configure below features:

Encrypted Transfer: the transmission data between Vinchin backup server and the archive retrieve storage will be encrypted to secure the data transmission process, default as RSA encryption algorithm.

Compressed Transfer: Compress the backup data to reduce bandwidth usage and increase transmission speed, you can choose different compression level for this archive retrieve job.

Retry Attempts: You can configure the number of network reconnection attempts before giving up for this archive retrieve job.

Retry Interval: You can configure the time interval between each retry attempts, time range from 5 to 60 seconds.

Transfer Network: Network you use to process the archive retrieve data.

Step 4: Review & Confirm

After completing the above settings, you are able to review and confirm the settings. You can optionally customize a job name and then click on Submit button to confirm the creation of this archive retrieve job.

After a new archive retrieve job has been created, you will be redirected to the Monitor Center > Jobs page, and you will immediately see the archive retrieve job run automatically.

Once the archive retrieve job is completed, the job will be automatically deleted from the current job list. Now you can go to VM Backup > Restore page and create a VM restore job with the retrieved VM archive data.

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