Partition Level Restore

For partition level restore, you can only restore the data partition other than system partition.

Create Server Restore Job

To create a partition level server restore job, go to the Physical Backup > Server Backup > Restore page. Please follow the below steps to create a partition level server restore job.

Step 1: Restore Point

From the Restore Point dropdown list, select a backup node on which the server backup data is stored.

Then select desired restore point and click on Next. The restore point can be full, incremental or differential depending on which backup method you applied for server backup.

Step 2: Restore Destination

In the Target Host dropdown list, select the original host.

When done selecting the target host, click on Connection Test to test the connection between the physical server and Vinchin backup server.

If the connection test is successful, you’ll now be able to configure the restore options.

Rebuild Partition: if enabled, the partition table of the target server will be reconstructed to ensure that the new partition information is the same as that of the original host. If this option is enabled, all data on the partition will be erased, please be caution. For partition level restore, this option should be turned off.

Boot Fix: if enabled, the /etc/fstab and grub.cfg files of the Linux systems will be re-configured on the new host after restore. For partition level restore, this option should be turned off.

And in the Select Volume column, please select only the data disk/partition to restore, and in the Restore Destination column, please select the original partition. Only if the restore destination is a new disk, you can turn the Rebuild Partition option on.


Server backups from Linux machine cannot be restored to a Windows machine and vice versa.

Step 3: Restore Strategy

Under the General Strategy tab, you could set Throttling Policy and Transfer Threads for the server restore job same as when creating a server backup job. You could use the default settings.

Under the Transmission Strategy page, you could enable Encrypted Transfer to secure the data transmission and you can optionally select a transmission network.

If the server backup data had been encrypted (Data Encryption enabled in server backup job), then here on this page you’ll have a More Info tab, under which you need to provide the encryption password before restoring the server backups

Step 4: Review & Confirm

In this step, you could rename the job, review the job settings and submit to create a restore job. A server restore job will automatically run after its creation, when restoration done, you can restart the server.

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