S3 Restore

To restore files from S3 backup restore points, please go to S3 Backup > Restore page. There are 4 steps to restore files from the S3 backup restore points.

Step 1: Restore Point

First you need to select the target object storage and a desired restore point from the Select Restore Point column. Then select the desired files/folders from the Restore Source column. You can choose select directories and search under selected directories for more precise and efficient recovery to save your time.

When done selecting files/folders, click on Next button to continue.

Step 2: Restore Destination

First you need to specify the destination for the selected files/folders to be restored to File Server,NAS Server or Object Storage. By default, the files/folders will be restored. You can search Object storage related information for quick match selection. If the Restore Path is selected as “Manually select path”, check the specified folder to restore the data to the corresponding path. When hover the mouse over a diectory and click the ‘+’ on the right can create a new folder.

The defult name of the new folder is “recovery-destination1”, which can be modified or deleted.

If the Restore Path is selected as “Recover to the original path”, the data will be overwritten and restored to the original path, all files with the same name under the original path will be overwritten and restored, and the newly created files will be kept unmodified. Then please click on Next to continue.

Step 3: Restore Strategy

The general strategies including Throttling Policy, Transfer Threads, these options are with the same principle as when you setup the file backup job.

Under Transmission Stategy by enabling Auto Retry job will automatically retry with the given Retry Interval until it reaches the Retry Attempts limit. Backup Proxy can be selected for Encrypted Transfer.

For Advanced Strategy it includes Handle Same-name Objects and Remove Prefix.

In Handle Same-name Objects dropdown list Overwrite, Keep Latest, ADD and Rename options can be selected for processing files with the same name.

When Manually select path is select Remove Refix feature can be enabled for getting rid of the prefix of the selected ojects.

Step 4: Review & Confirm

After finishing the above settings, you are able to review and confirm all settings here. Click Submit to confirm creating this job.

Once the job has been created, you’ll be redirected to the Monitor Center > Jobs page.

As the restore job is by default to be executed right after the creation of the job, so it will run automatically, when you see it in the current job list, it should be in running status already, and once completed, the job will be automatically deleted from the current job list.

After this you can browse the restored files/folders in the target path.

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