Server Instant Restore

For Instant Restore, the backup data will be mounted to target server. You are able to download the specific file or folder and migrate all the data to target server.

Create Server Instant Restore Job

To create an instant restore job, navigate to the Physical Backup > Server Backup > Instant Restore page. Locate the Server that you intend to recover from the backup job in which it is included. Click on the + icon to display the restore points of the Server, and then select the desired point.

Target Host: After choosing the target restore point, you must select a host to execute the instant restore. The OS of the selected host should match that of the original server, and all other jobs on the target host should be halted to ensure there are no conflicts during the instant recovery process.

Cache Storage Location: The cache storage location is where the data cache is generated on the target host after the recovery process. Prolonged non-migration may lead to an excessive amount of cache data and a waste of storage capacity. The 'Auto select' option will determine the optimal cache storage location based on available capacity, or you can manually select a location. Currently, the cache data cannot be stored on cloud object storage.

Transmission Network: You can specify the network of Vinchin server to transfer the data, please ensure the selected network can communicate with the host. By default, the port 3206 will be utilized.


1. If you are uncertain about the details of job configuration, it is advisable to use the default parameters. 2. Please do not keep the instant restore job running for long term. 3. The instant restore job will not mount the unformatted partition or disk. 4. A Windows OS can mount a maximum of 26 iSCSI partitions for instant recovery. If the number of iSCSI partitions exceeds 26, the excess partitions will be mounted without drive letters.

Run Server Instant Restore Job

After creating a new instant restore job, you will be redirected to the Monitor Center > Jobs page. Here, you will be able to view the instant restore job you created in the job list, and it will initially be in the Pending state.

To start the instant restore job, please click on Options, and then select Start Job. The job status will change to Starting, it will take a while (usually a few seconds to a minute depending on the backup storage performance) for the restore process to be completed, when the job status change to Running the server partition is mounted on target host.

You can now access the target host and explore the mounted partition to review and download the files you wish to restore.

Create Server Migration Job

Server migration is a feature based on server instant restore job, the migration operation is recommended to be done during the non-business hours.

To perform server migration of the server instant restore job, please go to Monitor Center > Jobs page. Click on Options of the server instant restore job and then select Migration, on the New Server Migration Job screen complete the following settings of a live migration job.

Target Host: Please select a target host to which you want to migrate the server. This can be the original server or a different server. Then click the Connection Test button. If the connection is accessible, the Target Volume section will be displayed.

Rebuild Partition: The default status is Off, which means selecting to restore in the form of a volume. If Vinchin does not detect volumes of the target host, the default status will be automatically set to On; when the status is On, it means rebuilding the partition and restoring it in the form of a disk.

Boot Fix: After the partition is restored in a Linux environment, you need to reconfigure the /etc/fstab and grub.cfg files. These configuration items are crucial for the normal startup and login of the Linux system, and it is recommended to enable this option in the restore job.

Select Volume: Select the volume to be restored and select a Restore Destination. The capacity of Restore Destination must be no smaller than original volume.


1. If the source server's OS is Linux, the Target Host cannot be a Windows system.

2. The OS disk can only be restored to a server that boots with the Vinchin LiveCD ISO. Therefore, if you plan to migrate the entire server or just the OS disk, you must use the Vinchin LiveCD to boot a new server as the target host.

3. When creating a Server Migration job, if the Target Host is the same as the Instant Restore server, do not select an iSCSI partition or disk as the Restore Destination.


Enabling the Rebuild Partition option will reconstruct the partition table of the target host. It will create a partition of the same size as the source volume, and the partition table type will match that of the source system disk. This operation will delete all data on the target disk, so please proceed with caution.

Throttling Policy: The throttling policy is an optional setting. Only if the job is likely to cause network or I/O overload in your production environment should you configure the throttling policy accordingly. Otherwise, leave it unconfigured.

Transfer Threads: By specifying the number of Transfer Threads, you can enable multithreaded transmission to improve the processing speed of the migration job. The default value for multithreaded transmission is 3, even if you can set the value from 1 to 8, but usually 3 threads will be enough.

Encrypted Transfer: The transmission path between the physical server and Vinchin backup server will be encrypted to guarantee you data safety during data transmission process.

Transmission Network: If your Vinchin backup server has multiple networks connected, in the Transmission Network dropdown list, you can specify a network to carry out the data transmission.

Retry Attempts: If the job execution is interrupted, it will automatically attempt to resume transmission. By default, it will retry 60 times. The maximum number of retries is 999, and the minimum is 0. Please note that if set to 0, it will retry indefinitely.

Retry Interval: This is the time interval between Retry Attempts. By default, it will retry every 30 seconds. The maximum interval is 60 seconds, and the minimum is 5 seconds.

Stop Server Instant Restore Job

After the server migration has done, the instant restore job status will change to Completed, and the instant restore job-mounted disk will be detached. At this point, you can stop the Instant Restore job and delete it.

To delete the server instant restore job, please go to Monitor Center > Jobs page. Find the server instant restore job which had already been performed server migration, click on Options and select Stop, then click Delete to clear this job.

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