Import Backups

For the storages to be added, if once they had been used by Vinchin Backup & Recovery, no matter for backup, copy or archive purpose, the data should still remain on them. When you try to add them again, the data will be automatically recognized by Vinchin Backup Server.

The imported backup data should be assigned to a user from the Resources > Storage > Storage List page by clicking on the Manage Imported Backups button. By selecting the corresponding backup job, and click on Assign button, you are able to assign the backup data to the selected user from the popup dialog.

If you only import the data without assigning to any user, those data will not be visible to anyone.

Once the backup data had been assigned to a user, the user will be able to see the backup data and create restore jobs with those data.

  • If the imported backups are VM backups, to create a VM restore job please do it on VM Backup > Restore page.

  • If the imported backups are AWS EC2 backups, to create a VM restore job please do it on Cloud Backup > Restore page.

  • If the imported backups are file backups, to create a file restore job please do it on Physical Backup > File Backup > Restore page.

  • If the imported backups are database backups, to create a database restore job please do it on Physical Backup > Database Backup > Restore page.

  • If the imported backups are server backups, to create a server restore job please do it on Physical Backup > Server Backup > Restore page.

  • If the imported backups are NAS backups, to create a NAS restore job please do it on NAS Backup > Restore page.

  • If the imported backups are Exchange backups, to create a VM restore job please do it on Application Backup > M365 Backup > Restore page.

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