On Demand Verification

Before creating a verification job, please make sure you had created a verification lab already, if you haven’t done this yet, please refer to Create Verification Lab to first create a verification lab.

To create an on-demand verification job please go to Data Resilience > Verification> Verification page.

Step 1: Verification Source

In this screen, the verification method and data source for verification need to be specified.

In the Verification Method dropdown list, please select Manual Verification. Then the VM backups will be used to run the VM in the verification lab, and users will be required to verify the VM manually from VMware virtual platform or embedded DR lab.

In the Select Node dropdown list, select a backup node on which the backups are stored.

In the Select Data Source dropdown list, select between Verify by job, Verify by VM, or Verify by Restore Point. If by job, a VM backup job needs to be selected and all VMs in this job will be verified. If by VM, users could select specific VM(s) in the backup job to be verified. If by restore point, users can choose a specific restore point, and only the data from that restore point will be verified.

After selecting the data source, the VM List will be shown in right, by expanding a VM, users can configure the VM configurations.

Under the General tab, users can optionally customize the number of CPUs, cores per CPU socket and the RAM size of the VM to be verified.

To verify the validity of the VM backups, the verification options including Ping test, Heartbeat test and Screenshot capturing.

Step 2: Verification Lab

In this screen, please select a verification lab from the Select Verification Lab dropdown list.

Step 3: Verification Strategy

For a Manual Verification job, the default schedule is Verify Now, which means the verification will automatically start after the job is created.

Step 4: Review & Confirm

After completing the above-mentioned settings, you are able to review and confirm all the settings of the verification job to be created. By clicking on Submit to confirm creating the verification job.

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