Add Disk Partition as Vinchin Storage

An unmounted disk partition on the Vinchin backup server or backup node can be used as backup, backup copy or backup archive storage.

To add a disk partition as Vinchin storage, please go to Resources > Storage > Storage List page and click on Add button.

  1. Select Disk Partition in the Storage Type dropdown list.

  2. Select the node (if any) from the Node IP/Domain dropdown list on which the disk partition resides in.

  3. Wait for the scanning process of the disk partition, when it presents in the Storage Resources list, please select it.

  4. In the Storage Name field, give the storage a custom name for identification.

  5. Select from Backup, Copy & Archive according for which purpose the storage will be used.

  6. The Auto Detect option allows you to auto import backups according to the auto import time interval. If you enable the Auto Assign option, the imported backups will be automatically assigned to the user who added this storage device.

  7. Setup storage usage alert as per your requirements.

  8. Click on OK to add the storage.

If the disk partition was once been used by Vinchin and which contains backup data, you will get a dialog asking either to import the backups or to format the storage.

If those backups are no longer useful, you can choose to format it, and Vinchin will erase everything then make new filesystem on the disk partition. It will take a while depending on the storage size and performance, please do not leave the page and wait patiently for the process to be completed.

If you choose to import the backups, Vinchin will not touch the backups and the disk partition filesystem, as for how to manage the imported backups, if you had enabled the Auto Assign option, the backups will be automatically assigned to your user account. If the Auto Assign option is disabled, you'll have to manually assign the impoted backups, please refer to Import Backups to get to know how to assign and manage the imported backups.

For a fresh new disk partition or disk partition contains data which is unrecognizable by Vinchin, you will get a dialog asking to format the storage, please make sure you had made backup of the data on the disk partition, otherwise everything will be erased!

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