Manage Physical Backup Agents
No matter for Linux or Windows backup agents, if the connection mode is 1 (Server-to-client), after the agent installation, users have to added the agents from Vinchin Backup & Recovery web console from Resources > Agents page.
Click on Add button to add the agent or backup proxy.
In the Type you can select Agent and Backup Proxy.
In the IP Address field, please input the IP of the Linux/Windows server which you had installed the agent with Server-to-client connection mode.
In the Name field, you can give it a name for identification.
As for the Agent Signaling Port, it’s not recommended to change it, please leave it as default.
Auto-switch Network can be enabled in a multi-NIC agent environment, if the current agent network has an abnormal communication with the backup server, the system will automatically switch to an available network.
If select backup proxy, need to select Virtualization Association of specify virtual platform.
Once done, click OK to add the agent.
All agents connected to Vinchin backup server, no matter with Server-to-client or Client-to-server mode, will be all listed on the Resources > Agents page.