Prerequisites of Backup Copy
Onsite Backup Copy
To make a copy of your backup data onsite, please check the following prerequisites:
Onsite Vinchin backup server must be licensed with Enterprise Edition license.
Vinchin backup server/node must have onsite backup Copy & Archive usage storage added.
Offsite Backup Copy
To make a copy of your backup data offsite, please check the following prerequisites:
- Primary site Vinchin backup server must be licensed with Enterprise Edition license.
Remote site must have a Vinchin backup server installed and an onsite backup Copy & Archive usage storage must be added.
Primary site and remote site should be interconnected via dedicated connection or VPN connection, if there’s firewall, service ports 22711 and 22807 need to be accessible on the remote site Vinchin backup server. If the connection goes directly through the Internet, the remote site must have a dedicated public IP address, and on the remote site firewall/router, the service ports 22711 and 22807 need to be opened for the remote site Vinchin backup server.
Bandwidth between 2 sites must be fast enough to transfer new backup data generated during the previous copy job session to the next copy job session.
Cloud Backup Copy
To make a copy of your backup data to cloud, please check the following prerequisites:
Vinchin backup server must be licensed with Enterprise Edition license.
Cloud Object Storage needs to be added for Copy & Archive usage.
For offsite copy feature, the remote site Vinchin backup server does not necessarily to be licensed with a paid license. Use a free trial license for testing or if you had applied paid license for the onsite Vinchin server, you can contact Vinchin sales representative to get a free license for offsite copy.